Meet a Random Uni White!

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Introducing: Nick Crowther

Hands Across the Water
Cam Hopgood's 2012 Charity
See forum for details
AU Whites Banner
Squad and Associates

Senior Coach:
C's Coach:
D's Coach:
Team Manager:
Bill Hill
James Balacco
Tim Levett
Steve Bresolin
Mike Williams

Non-playing Committee Members:
Graeme Jackson

2011 Transfers:
Adam Wright
Austin French
Connor Aldridge
George Tan
Hari Bhowany
Harry Mihailidis
Jason Nicholl
Jeffrey Boateng
Jose Diaz
Ryan Spears
Scott Edwards
Simon Barnett

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(Playing basketball)

2010 Transfers:
Daniel Wang
Dennis Choo
Didrik Finooy
Guillaume Fernandez
James Bedford
Jeffrey Goh
Jon Aspin
Jon Peake
Mathieu David
Ryan Harrowfield
Sunny Jaswal

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Returning from 2011:
Adeo McCormack
Amos Lomude
Anoop Singh
Ash Bhowany
Campbell Hopgood
Chris Gayen
Dan Aikin
Emmanuel Njuguna
Emran Elias
Francisco Gonzalez-Pinilla
Jack Mwanue
Jafar Alrashid
Jan Pfitzner
Jason Russo
Jay Paherding
Joe Windows
John Wilson
Jon George
Juan Livore
Justin Kanga
Kevin Nguyen
Kirsten Staff

Leo Chandiok
Long Nguyen
Matt Bate
Matt Hawyes
Matt Mostak
Matteo Marangon
Patrick Ries Santos
Paul Crosby
Paul Krzystoszek
Peter Ashmore
Peter Bachos
Richard Harris
Richard Vidanage
Robert Yeomans
Scott Penfold
Sid Phatak
Steve Safralidis
Tomas Ganduglia
Tony Duffy
Varun Ramnarain
Vish Bulsara
Wez Reid

Long Term Injuries: Jared Chan

The Prodigal Sons!
Ben Wyk

Vincent Berne

2012 Recruits:
Alan Evans
Alex Gauthier
Alex Monterosso
Andre Bhandari
Anthony Renzella
Callum Davidson
Conan Shao
Danny Rosas
Dimi Sianis
Fairuz Jum'ee
Gabe Lever-Brine
Gary Hong
Glyn Hancock
Harry Smith
Joe Maio

Kevin Bock
Lewis Whittenbury
Luke Ashworth
Mark Thornton
Matt Turner
Oliver Smith
Scott Willsher
Shaun Clifton
Tawni Dornelles
Tim Bowman
Tom Boulton
Tom Whitwell
Tung Tran
Will Boult
Yuan Li