it was a great day sun was shining everybody was nearly on time
then the unisa boys got out of their transformer cars and were warmly met by me “go get your passes from chris haralam at south pitch ”
our boys in the meantime were as usual missing socks shorts and shin pads (first game)
the unisa boys were all lined up pretty in blue, not out a place as if they were in a star war movie Attack of the Clones
we waited til their coach neetly set up their training cones in the 18yard box all 36 of them, then james balacco was quickly despatched to tell them warm up off the field
the game started at a ferocious pace their 433 mirrored ours
but we didnt touch the ball for the first 5 min
after about 35 min we were still under the pump and glyn had pulled off some unorthodox but effective saves, rob alberton throwing himself around like a hot chip amongst the seagulls
unisa were by far technically superior to us
two changes were made before half time adi rai (the sun god) was puffing a bit had been in the paddock over summer and bobby his mask was coming out of his pants today
within minutes dan gartner (im in a boy band) hit a vicious shot on a van basten angle beating the keeper against the run of play then they scored 1-1
second half after a spray (soft voice) etc blah blah the boys started to peg the unisa boys back and ebbs and flows
we were tiring and some boys had slight cramps the goal scorer was substituted for collins then i came on for jan another worklike performance who reminded me after the game my first 3 touches all went to the opposition
we started to put some passes together and started to push them back thru wez and collins on the wings
we received a yellow for a hack and the unisa guy fell down rolling around holding his face, too much tv me thinks
finally with minutes ticking away and us not being able to last another 30min we made a surge down the right and collins cutting back the ball found phil (the real deal) who smashed it into the top for the match winner it was the phil collins goal
the decepticons left in their transformers defeated once again to the sounds of……..” Thats it” which the new boys were able to join in learning the words quickly
a very satisfying win