Recruiting players and coaches for upcoming CSL season

A recent poll unanimously voted this man “Best Dressed White” – a man who describes his nature as a mixture between a juvenile dolphin & an old sea turtle.

The “Jacques Cousteau” of the team, Juan has been a key part of the International revolution to have swept the Whites camp this year. Having previously played his football abroad with Sting 76 (USA), Rivadavia Club & Prepucio (Argentina), Juan’s eclectic mix of street-bred/club refined futbol credentials has seen him already slot home a few goals early in his Whites career.

A man who lists among his icons such players as Tevez & Maradona, Juan also draws inspiration each week from his more ‘mature’ comrades in white.

Juan’s skills also stretch far outside the confines of the football pitch. For fans of Argentinean BBQ meats – let it be known that our man in striped pants also cooks a mean ‘asado’.

Famous Quotes: “Trucks Rock” – The hat speaks for itself!

Dave talks to Juan:

Your age now?
30, look like 25, run like 40, get injured like 50!!

Your age when you first started playing football?
Started playing when I was 6 in the United states, College Station, Texas. At age 11 I was taken back to Argentina where I played in a club for a year, and after that it was all street and friends football. Played basketball, rugby, handball from 12 to 25, then on just indoor soccer at University of Buenos Aires. Until the whites came along.

Likes: almost every sport (car racing doesn’t qualify as a sport), beers, wines, good food, especially ‘asado’ (argentine BBQ). Good looking women.
Dislikes: Idiots of all kind, wars, politicians, and the AFL.

Right or left footed?
Right footed, my left is only good to get injured.

Previous football clubs?
Little league (USA): STING 76. Argentina: Rivadavia Club (Concepcion del Uruguay). Indoor Argentina: Prepucio. Australia: The Glamorous White.

Favourite line or saying?
Going to war in the name of peace, is just as ridiculous as f*****g for virginity

Preferred position?
Right midfield, or right forward and in the future shouting on the sidelines in midfield (Coach, I’d love that someday)

Favourite players?
It’s more than obvious that Maradona has no competition. Now playing, Carlos Tevez (West Ham last season, probably moving now). In the white, I really admire the guys that are several years older than me and are still going and training and putting all into it!!

Your most proud Whites moment so far?
Haven’t had many moments yet, but there are two that I think I should highlight, one: not getting aggressive with the opponents nor our team-mates when we got our ass kicked by Mercedes in one of our first games. 2: the game we won against Unley, no one bet a cent on us winning that game, and we did it pretty nicely.

Describe yourself in just one sentence…
a man trying to reach the balance between and agile, juvenile, active dolphin and a quiet, relaxed, knowledged, thinking sea turtle; the perfect balance.

Hope I didn’t go over my head with this.


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