‘When times are tough people need a hero….. Someone they can look up to… Someone who will stand up in the face of adversity…. In our time…. In our town… That man was…. THE BLANKET……………….’
No-one ever suspected, Chris Tselentis, ‘Mild mannered, soft-spoken accountant by week-day, striker-fighting super-defender by week-end’ would be that man….
Rarely had a club (the Uni Whites) suffered at the hands of so many cruel strikers for so long… Those who attempted to fight had all been crushed… Goals rained in, defenders fled in panic, all had given up hope….. All but one….
That year was 1999…… The year before had been tough, only one league & one cup title to hold onto for the struggling players at the stadium of White…
In a bar somewhere, season wary players were commenting on the distinct lack of defence our poor club had left… Few were sure the club could survive another harsh winter….. Then a voice cried out from the back of the room….. “I’ll play in the back line” ……….. THE BLANKET had arrived…..
Chris Tselentis arrived at the club with barely a murmur…. By the end of that first… Historic season…. Players far and wide were singing the song of ‘The Blanket’ to their children at night… For never before had anyone seen a stopper ‘Put to Sleep’ so many strikers as the BLANKET had….
Opposition teams would try player after player to get past, but every one would fall into Chris’ spell & spend the rest of the game (and sometimes the season) pacified, unnoticed…. sleeping….
Is it a comforter?….. NO!…. Is it a continental quilt?….. NO!…… Is it an extra large hot water bottle?….. NO!