“Helping you pay, so you can play”
A 5 step guide on how to pay your Registration Fees online
1. Logon to your online banking website and select the money transfer option as required.
2. Input the Clubs bank account details:
Account Name: Adelaide University Whites Soccer Club
Account Number: 90239286
BSB Number: 805 050
Financial Institution: People’s Choice Credit Union (this credit union may not show up as a transfer option with your bank. You should also be able use a generic credit union bank reference, usually with CRU at the end)
3. Make sure your payment reference indicates your name. For example;
Reference: Joe Bloggs Registration Fee
4. Pay the correct amount for your situation:
Existing Players: (Fee’s include a training top)
Full time Students University of Adelaide – $170.00
Full time Students of University of South Australia or Flinders University – $200.00
All other existing players – $250.00
New Players: (Fee’s include Shorts, Socks and training top)
Full time Students University of Adelaide – $200.00
Full time Students of University of South Australia or Flinders University – $220.00
All other new players – $280.00
5. Press submit and print two copies of your payment transaction. Keep one for yourself and give the other to Mel, Tim or Cam when you next see them.
A late fee of $20 will apply if payment has not been received by April 1st 2014
Fees need to be paid asap or you may not be eligible to play. If you are in financial difficulties please see one of the committee on a private and confidential basis ASAP and a payment plan can be arranged at the discretion of Management.